By clothing-bag, 25/01/2023

They requisitioned and found two grenades hidden in the underpants

AutoplayCapptured in Suba hid 2 grenades in their underpants in control of control operations, a man was surprised when he hid between his underwear two 40 mm grenades, a military ammunition for launching in service of the armed forces and in another case, in the sectorFrom the hill, a subject was arrested with a current arrest warrant for the crime of femicide against his wife in events that occurred in 2019 in Yopal, Casanare...

The young man was evidenced by his particular way of walking and nervousness when he was intercepted.







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Seleccione el creador del articulo en configuracion del este moduloS.TENDENCIAS EL TIEMPOHora de publicación del artículoNombre del autorHora de publicación del artículoTE05 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.JBJessika Daniela Bonilla Bran05 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.

La noche de este domingo la Police Metropolitana de Bogotá sorprendió a un joven, de 26 años, con dos explosivos en su ropa interior. El hombre quedó en evidencia por su nerviosismo y particular forma de caminar por las calles aledañas al CAI La Gaitana, en la localidad de Suba.When the subject was approached by the uniformed he became very tense, a behavior that alerted the police, who decided to requisition. Al momento de la pesquisa, el joven les aconsejó que tuvieran cuidado porque transportaba material explosivo en sus calzoncillos.(Also read: Thus you can register your bicycle virtually).

"We find two fragmentation grenades of 40 ml.The captured this moment is in the judicial stage to leave it before the Attorney General's Office, "said Colonel Misael Quiroga.According to the authorities, this type of arsenal is for the exclusive use of the public force, so the corresponding investigation is advanced. La policía trabaja por esclarecer cómo obtuvo las granadas y para quién eran.(See also: Young was killed in a Suba disco)."All police units are on alert, 100 %, taking into account terrorist actions, even more so when in this stage, it is important to take into account all these registration, control and identification plans of people", explained Colonel Quiroga.

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Lo requisaron y le encontraron dos granadas escondidas en los calzoncillos

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TE05 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.JBJessika Daniela Bonilla Bran05 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.Relacionados:






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