By clothing-bag, 12/10/2022

Open Saddle, the restaurant that rescues the essence of the mythical jockey to which the 'jet set' of Madrid goes

It was the year 1945 when Clodoaldo Cortés opened in Madrid the doors of the Jockey restaurant, destined to be one of the most iconic restaurants in the capital.He enjoyed a very good reputation during his early years and it was in the 70s and 80s when he became what we would call a real "pleace to be" luxury.The flower and cream of Madrid society and the international "jet set" that visited the city gathered at their tables to enjoy an authentic gastronomic festival in which the exquisiteness was always at its point.Unfortunately, in 2012, like many of the greats, he was forced to close its doors definitely due to the crisis.But the story has had a happy ending in a certain way because its substitute, the Saddle restaurant, has collected the witness successfully to honor that mythical local, rescue Jockey's excellence in the 21st century, and become the new premises ofFashion the "High Society" in Madrid.

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It was at the end of 2019 when Saddle opened its puretas in the Madrid neighborhood of Chamberí, overcoming a ribbon that was very up.Its inauguration, which was discussed for months, was an authentic gastro event.


A little history

Those who lived the golden age of jockey enthusiastically remember their decoration inspired by the British private clubs, the spectacular village with pieces of marrow and red wine sauce that located on a table, the incredible protocol of the entire staff, the rigorous' dress code'They demanded and the countless equestrian reasons that adorned the place.In the 70s and 80s, while Juan Mari Arzak or Ferrán Adriá exploded the gastronomy revolution, this restaurant in Madrid was the most grenade meeting point in society.Together with Zalacaín (sadly already closed) and Horcher, Jockey was distributed to the most powerful bankers, important politicians, the most 'cool' artists, the 'Beautiful People' of Madrid and even King Emeritus.All lived in perfect harmony to enjoy traditional haute cuisine served in silver tray.

Such was the fame of Jockey, where a Michelin star shone until 2000, that the international personalities traveling to Madrid always reserved one of their tables to discover their gastronomic charms.There were Jackie Kennedy to Grace Kelly, passing through Frank Sinatra or Persia's very Sha.According to Lorenzo Díaz in his book 'Jockey, History of a restaurant', Manhattan's elite identified Madrid with "Going to Prado and dinner in Jockey".In fact, the level was so high that on one occasion they came to deny the entrance to Gianni Versace for their 'bad pints'.

The heir of that excellence

Abre Saddle, el restaurante que rescata la esencia del mítico Jockey al que va la 'jet set' de Madrid

With the intention of turning this place again a contemporary classic, the Saddle Restaurant in Madrid was born.The chosen name, which means "assembly", pays tribute to the legendary jockey, but it is the quality of raw materials that makes you taste the essence of its kitchen.The reins of the project are carried by Carlos García Mayorallas, forged in the Dani García group.

mikel ponce

Under the gastronomic proposal of the Saddle Restaurant is chef Adolfo Santos, who has a succulent curriculum after having passed through Lakasa or Santceloni.Its objective is for stoves to breathe tradition and elegance, always achieved through products and seasonal recipes.Some of his already mythical dishes are the business inspired by a bulba ', the' Jewish of the ship of Ávila 'or the' veal jar tribute to Santi Santamaría '.

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Another classic dish that triumphs in its letter is the 'sole of meunière to the grilled'.

Mikel Ponce

Another pillars is Stefano Buscema, in charge of leading the room service to make Saddle in a synonym for home for its customers.As they themselves have said: "Excellence, comfort and well -being are the principles that each member of the team has internalized to make them feel at home".

In charge of the fabulous warehouse with more than 1.400 references is sommelier Israel Ramírez.After a laborious work he has managed.

A renewed look

Gone are the very long green sofas, the wooden walls and the jockey equestrian paintings.Without neglecting that exquisite halo, Saddle's decoration is completely opposite to which the Studio Gronda, in charge of the interior design of the project, was found when reaching this mythical local.After a spectacular reform, now this restaurant breathes light and freshness.

In that search for the comfort of the diner, the 1.600 square meters that Saddle occupies are divided into three floors and we can distinguish three spaces to meet all kinds of needs.The main hall is the central axis, but it is also going to talk about the lobby bar, where the gastronomic proposal is more concise and revolves around the bar.In addition, the 'bartender' Alberto Fernández has developed an excellent cocktail service divided into three sections: Sours, contemporary and ephemeral classics, also tribute to seasonal products.

Of course, those who seek to enjoy a more intimate meal or dinner, in Saddle.In them, you can taste the same offer as in the restaurant room with different rooms that adapt from 2 to 24 diners.


The aesthetics of diners will also have completely changed.If in Jockey times a rigorous elegance was demanded (men could not enter without a jacket and tie), now in Saddlen they can bet on more relaxed looks.Of course, 'sport' clothes and shorts are totally prohibited.So if Bella Hadid arrives or any other face known with a perfect look 'athleisure', the same fate as Gianni Versace will run in her day.

C/ Amador de los Ríos, 6 (Madrid).Tel.912 163 936.Web: www.Saddle-Madrid.Comic: @saddlemadrid

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